Hygiena 2008, 53(Suppl.):S11-S15

Biking and our Health

Jaroslav Martinek
Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v. v. i., Olomouc

The objective of the communication is to provoke a discussion on the ways how to increase awareness of one's own responsibility towards health. It is generally known that so-called civilization-linked diseases are in first place among the causes of mortality. The risk of atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and myocardial infarction can be decreased in a simple way. An ample amount of regular exercise as well as moderation in alimentation are all that is to it. The most frequent complaint against wholesome exercise is lack of time. We can issue a leaflet, we can advance a campaign declaring: "Everyday biking to and from work is a fine way how to join the pleasant with the useful! While biking we transform time into our own fitness, health and good mood….". However, isn't that too little?

Keywords: civilization-linked diseases, prevention, regular exercise, moderation in alimentation, biking, fitness, health, discussion

Published: December 2008  Show citation

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Martinek J. Biking and our Health. Hygiena. 2008;53(Suppl.):S11-15.
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