Hygiena 2007, 52(3):77-79

On Fish Consumption

Tatiana Kimáková, Kamila Bernasovská
Ústav hygieny LF Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika, Košice

We measured the concentration of mercury obtained by analysis from frozen and canned seafood and other fish pruducts. 350 samples were analyzed and the results evaluated according to existing domestic norms (Codes of the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic N° 608/2004-100 from March 2004 - dealing with contaminants of food pruducts in Slovakia). The mercury analysis was performed by established methods using flame atomic absorption spectrometry AMA 254. The concentration of mercury obtained from the 350 samples was in the range of 0.08942 mg.kg-1 to 3.98692 mg.kg-1 Hg.
From the 350 analyzed samples in 160 (46 %) the mercury level was found over the allowable limit, therefore, it is important to monitor constantly the mercury content in fishes and fish products. We agree with the conclusions of FDA and many other authors who recommend for children, women in fertile age (especially pregnant and breast-feeding women) not to consume certain fishes such as sharks, sword-fish, mackerel. Consumption of fish products shall be restricted to fishes as tuna and so on.

Keywords: mercury, AMA 254, fish and fish products, children

Published: September 2007  Show citation

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Kimáková T, Bernasovská K. On Fish Consumption. Hygiena. 2007;52(3):77-79.
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