Instruction to Authors of the Central European Journal of Public Health

Subject specialisation

The Journal (CEJPH) publishes original articles on disease prevention and health protection, environmental impacts on health, the role of nutrition in health promotion, results of population health studies and critiques of specific health issues including intervention measures such as vaccination and its effectiveness. The review articles are targeted at providing up-to-date information in the sphere of public health. The Journal is geographically targeted at the European region but will accept specialised articles from foreign sources that contribute to public health issues also applicable to the European cultural milieu.

General Information

Manuscripts thematically relevant to the Journal's subject specialisation are to be submitted in digital form. Authors are requested to declare that their results have not been published previously, are not under submission elsewhere and that co-authors are cognizant of the submitted text and agree to its publication in CEJPH. By submitting a manuscript the author agrees to the above and the following instructions including publication fees.

Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editorial Office via email: cejph@szu.czSend via email or Journal's online formOnline upload form.

Following receipt of a manuscript and decision by the editorial board the corresponding author will be contacted regarding submission of the contribution into peer review proceeding or its rejection. Kindly note that as a matter of policy CEJPH does not communicate the reasons for not forwarding any article for peer review. All accepted contributions are reviewed, under conditions of mutual anonymity, by two independent reviewers. The author will be notified of the results of the review proceedings and requested to submit the final version of the manuscript.

The author is required to either accept reviewer comments or to substantiate refutal of the same, to make any proposed language changes in the text returned to the editorial board, unless successfully refuted, and to highlight any change made to the text.

The submission-to-publication period for manuscripts is approximately 14 months.

Form of Manuscript

Manuscripts are to be written in concise, carefully edited and linguistically adequate English. It must be typed with double-line spacing. Placement of figures, graphs and tables should only be indicated in the text, do not include it in the text as such.

Send contributions including all graphic documentation and declaration by the corresponding author, also including all figures, graphs and tables in original format attached. Text files are to be in Rich Text Format (.rtf) or MS Word (.doc, .docx). Do not formatting the text. Numbered tables and graphs (with legends) as well as figures in graphic formats (.tif or .jpg, for instance) will be in printable size and resolution min. 300 DPI.

The manuscript should include:

The title (first page) should carry the title of the paper (15 words or less), full names of authors in their native languages together with their respective institutional affiliation, and the name, address and email address of the author responsible for correspondence about the manuscript. The following pages contain a Summary complemented with 5–6 Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, statement of Conflict of Interests, sponsorship and adherence to ethical recommendations, associated grant projects, References, and Legends to figures and graphs. Summary, References in consecutive order according to their appearance in the text, and Legends to figures and graphs are to be written each on separate pages. The Summary at a maximum length of 300 words should be structured under the following headings: Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.


Kindly submit all tables in a separate file, one table per page. Number tables consecutively in the order of their first citation in the text with Arabic numerals and supply a brief title for each. Place explanatory matter in footnotes and explain all nonstandard abbreviations that are used in each table.

Figures and Graphs

Figures and graphs separate from the text files and apart from one another. Prepare your figures in a size suitable for reproduction. Titles and a detailed explanation should be indicated in the applicable legend. Source data and graphs must be attached in MS Excel (.xls, .xlsx) or vector format (.eps, .spv, .pdf) generated by statistical software. Decimal places in descriptions of axes or graph values must be presented as decimal points in accordance to European standards. Acceptable graph including background colours are shades of grey or flat black tone. Placement of full-colour figures or graphs is arranged by special request only. Figures and graphs in bitmap format with resolution under 300 DPI, or without graph source data, cannot be accepted.


The first time an uncommon abbreviation appears it should be explained in parenthesis.


References (max. 30 for original research papers, max. 40 for review articles) should be typed in the order of their occurrence in the manuscript. Each reference must begin on a new line. All references cited should be quoted in the text with corresponding numbers in parenthesis. The Vancouver style of referencing is used in line with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommendations of the Samples of Formatted References for Authors of Journal Articles. References in a language other than English should be translated into English and followed by the original language in brackets for example (In Czech.). Examples for the style to be used for the list of references are given below.

Standard journal article:
Madar RL, Maslenova DM, Ranostajova K, Straka S, Baska T. Analysis of unusual accumulation of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease cases. Cent Eur J Public Health. 2003;11(1):19-22.

Books and Monographs:
Dobson A. An introduction to generalized linear models. London (UK): Chapman and Hall; 1990.

Chapter in a book:
Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. New York: Raven Press; 1995. p. 465-78.

Legal and ethical aspects of publication

All submissions must comply with basic ethical recommendations including data protection. Articles (text, tables and figures) must not compromise patient privacy. Do not present initials of patients, hospital or protocol numbers etc.

The author is responsible for respecting the intellectual property rights of authors of data taken from other publications or sources. The Conclusion of a manuscript must carry a statement pertaining to support by any firm or sponsorship organization, names and numbers of grant projects and any conflict of interest where the author has direct or indirect interest in the results of manufacture or sale.

In the case of clinical studies the contribution should contain an affirmation of approval by a local ethics committee. If animal experiments are involved a declaration of adherence to constitutional or national guidelines and regulations for use of experimental animals is to be included.

Information on publication in biomedical journals

Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals are available on the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) website

Editing and proofs

One set of page proofs in PDF format will be sent by email to the corresponding author. The proofs are done by the author, but no essential changes are permitted. The authors are requested to return the corrected proofs within 7 days after their delivery. Corrections of proofs will not be taken into consideration if they are not received on time. By confirmation of proofs the author agrees that the submitted work will be published and made accessible on the Journal website.

Publication fees

Manuscripts submitted after September 1, 2018 will be published in CEJPH on the understanding that the author(s) will pay a publication fee of 150 EUR excl. VAT per article at a maximum length of six published pages. The typical length of a 6-page article with 5–6 reasonable-sized display items (figures and/or tables) is 4400 words (title, authors, workplaces, keywords, summary, text, legends, acknowledgements, conflict of interest and references). A reasonably-sized display item is one that, with its legend occupies approximately one quarter of a page (equivalent to ~ 270 words). If a figure/table needs to occupy at least half a page it may be necessary to reduce the text accordingly to accommodate such figures/tables. The typical length of a 6-page article without figures or tables is 5880 words (title, authors, workplaces, keywords, summary, text, legends, acknowledgements, conflict of interest and references). Each additional page over and above the six-page limit is subject to a 60 EUR excl. VAT surcharge.

Authors will be required to confirm at the time of submission that they agree to pay these charges in the event that their manuscript is accepted for publication. Payment instructions will be sent to authors prior to publication.

The corresponding author of papers will receive an issue of the Journal without special order free of charge.


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